Why should I join?

  • Shares bought by the fans for the community and held in Trust forever
  • To support Carlisle United
  • To preserve a  community asset
  • More than just a business, a cultural asset
  • Ensures the club works in harmony with the community
  • Helps to control and shape the future of the club
  • Elected CUOSC member represents fans’ views on the board of the club
  • To promote good governance, transparency and openness at the club
  • £800,000+ already raised and invested in CUFC – more coming in every season

How do I join?

Join, renew or edit/view your membership details online using this link (you can pay by card if you wish)

Membership fee is £10 per annum for adults or families, £5 for OAPs and under 18s

Free electronic membership is also available. Note: This does NOT come with voting rights or any other benefits. E-members receive regular emails only.

Full Members must be at least 16 years of age – junior membership is on offer, however a family of up to five may join for just £10 if they live at same address.

Membership fee payable by cash, cheque, online card payment or regular standing order

Membership year begins on August 1 each year

Regular email briefings and newsletter to keep you updated

For more information, contact us