YOUR representatives on the board of directors of Carlisle United FC
Under the terms of the 2023 shareholders’ agreement, CUOSC has a right to permanent representation on the football club’s board. This individual becomes a full director with full director’s responsibilities. The person selected has a clear duty of care to the club and must act in its best interests at all times.
The current CUOSC representative is Matt Spooner. He has no fixed term of office. The board of CUOSC would recommend that anyone with ambitions to fulfil this very important position should serve on the CUOSC Board for at least one year before making any moves to represent the membership.
CUOSC may also appoint an ‘alternate’ to represent them at board meetings in Nigel’s absence. This position is currently filled by Dave Noble. Billy Atkinson fills the position of supporter rep on the CUFC Holdings board, a position which is offered by the club on an invitational basis only.
The representative who sits on the board represents a 10% voting share of the club’s holding company, CUFC Holdings Ltd. Note however that the right to boardroom representation remains no matter how many shares are owned by CUOSC and in whatever entity. The Holding company own 93% of the football club – Carlisle United AFC (1921) Ltd.
Your representative has a vote on all important matters concerning the football club. They have a duty to report back on all matters affecting CUOSC and supporters directly. Note however that as part of the standard fiduciary duties referred to above, they aren’t in a position (usually) to report back on matters considered confidential to the club board.
1921 Board Representatives
2017- Billy Atkinson